Product Photography

Whether you need expert product photography for your new Etsy shop or established brand, you need crisp, clear e-commerce images that will sell your product, and I can help! I’ve freelanced for brands you recognize, including T.J. Maxx.

How does it work?

Drop off or mail your items to my studio in Lebanon, TN and receive a link to your new password-protected gallery of professionally edited images in just a few days! Fast. Simple. Jumpstart your sales with high-quality e-commerce photography that will help you stand out. Any items, any type, for any size business!

E-Commerce Product Photography

E-commerce photography features your product, cleanly photographed by itself on white or your choice of backdrop color. These images are ideal for Amazon or other e-commerce websites.


Rates for e-commerce product photography begin at $20 per image with a $400 project minimum for your product by itself on a plain backdrop.

Sample E-Commerce Quote
1-20 items
20 images/$20 each
Total cost: $400

Styled Product Photography

Styled product photography or lifestyle product photography adds props and dimension to your products without the cost of hiring models. Lifestyle product photography allows your customers to see your products in natural settings or with fun props—all on your choice of backdrop color. This type of project is more involved than a standard white backdrop.


Rates begin at $25 per image with a $500 project minimum for your product styled and with props on your choice of backdrop.

Sample Quote
1-20 items/20 images/$25 each
Total cost: $500

Modeled Product Photography

Do you need images of your product being modeled? I partner with a large network of models and makeup artists ready for your next project. Base packages includes a professional model, makeup artist, session on choice of backgrounds, and 2-3 images per product.


Corporate Branding

